Sarah Kendall & Kiri Pritchard-McLean: Edinburgh Previews

29th June 2016|Kiri Pritchard-McLean|Sarah Kendall

Join Sarah Kendall and Kiri Pritchard-McLean at Maidenhead's Norden Farm on 28th July for Work-In-Progresses of their brand new shows.

Sarah Kendall: Shaken
The Foster's Best Comedy Award 2015 nominee and Comics' Choice Award winner returns with a brand new hour of masterful storytelling. In 1989, a major earthquake hit Sarah's small hometown. This disaster provides the backdrop for Sarah's tale of lies, stalkers, buried truths, false accusations, simmering tensions and overpriced sausages. 'Knocked the wind out of my sails' ★★★★★ (Herald, UK). 'Truly brilliant' ★★★★★ ( 'A gripping experience' ★★★★ (Guardian). 'Kendall is a dextrous storyteller, dancing around dark moments, then skipping straight back to punchlines' ★★★★ (Times).

Kiri Pritchard-Mclean: Hysterical Woman
Chortle Award-nominated comedian Kiri Pritchard McLean performs her inadvisably ambitious debut hour, tackling genetics, gender and being a comedian who happens to be a woman. Also, she sticks her white, middle class nose into racial inequality. (I know, it has nothing to do with her, but she won't be told.) Join her for an hour of whipsmart stand-up that's as funny as it is clever – or turn up to see if she commits an accidental hate crime. 'One to look out for' (Leicester Mercury). Tour support: Justin Moorhouse. Writer/director Gein's Family.

Tickets are available here